Saturday, July 30, 2011

Baby Stats

Last Friday I took both the girls to their Pediatrician for their respective 2mo. and 18mo. checkups. It was quite an experience taking two babies to the doctor in one visit...but the stats are in...

Alice is still itty-bitty newborn size to some people, but to us she is getting huge! ( I guess your perspective changes when you have a little 5 lb baby!)
Weight:  8lbs 15 oz. --> 2nd  %tile
Height: 21.88 in. --> 26.7 %tile
Head: 14.1 in. --> 0.78 %tile

Aren't baby proportions so funny?

Merrilee has slowed way down in her growth, but is still healthy and strong! I've never seen her more upset than at this doctor's visit. She liked the doctor ok, but she had some serious issues with the nurse who took all of these stats...she didn't like it either when the nurse was taking Alice's stats. Cute Merrilee, looking out for her little sister.  

Weight: 22.2 lbs --> 22%tile
Height: 31 in. --> 35 %tile
Head: 18.3 in --> 51 %tile

We love our girls!

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